Analyst Coverage

Analyst List

List of Analysts at Securities Companies Providing Recommendations and Comments
Regarding the Company's Results and Other Information.

(As of June 25,2024)

Firm(In alphabetical order of firm) Analyst
BofA Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Ritsuo Watanabe
Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc. Hidemaru Yamaguchi
Jefferies Japan Limited Miyabi Yamakita
Mizuho Securities Co.,Ltd. Kazuki Furuyama
Nomura Securities Co.,Ltd. Kyoichiro Shigemura
QUICK Corp. QUICK Corporate Valuation Research Center Koji Mashimo
Tokai Tokyo Research Center Co.,Ltd. Takashi Akahane

This list has been compiled based on information available at the time of disclosure, with the consent of the persons listed. Accordingly, be aware that there may be other analysts covering the Company not included in the following list, and that all information may not be current.
The analysis of the Companyʼs results, businesses, and services, as well as the predictions regarding future results made by the analysts included in this list and those who are not, are based on their individual judgements. Neither the Company nor the Companyʼs management is involved with any of the processes. Further, the Company does not affirm or support comments or results forecasts made by analysts regarding the Company.
This list is made available to provide investors with information regarding the analysts and financial institutions that conduct analysis and predictions regarding the Companyʼs results and other information. It is not intended as a solicitation or endorsement to buy or sell the Companyʼs stock.
Investors are requested to make decisions for actual investment based on their own determination and responsibility.