Material Sustainability Tasks (Materiality)

We have analyzed the relationship between social issues such as SDGs, the MEDIPAL Group's business activities and Medium-Term Vision, and identified materiality in six categories that will support our goal of solving social issues and achieving sustainable growth for the MEDIPAL Group.

Material Sustainability Tasks (Materiality) Targets and KPIs Relevant SDGs
Sustainable Distribution in the “Pharmaceutical, Health, and Beauty” Fields

Growing through the creation of social and economic value by building a safe and secure distribution network in normal times and during emergencies

Improve productivity by integrating distribution and create new distribution functions to add ¥1.5 billion to ordinary profit in the FY ending March 31, 2027
Enhancement of Profitability through New Value Creation

Connecting various people, goods, and services to create new value for the world in cooperation with partners in a forward-looking spirit

Pursue growth strategy to add ¥21.5 billion to ordinary profit in the FY ending March 31, 2027
Development of Future-Oriented Human Resources

Developing future-oriented human resources who work proactively toward achieving the ideal situation for MEDIPAL

Build systems to develop future-oriented human resources
Promotion of Diversity and Inclusion

Creating an open, active, and cooperative culture that respects employees' diverse personalities and enables them to maximize their potential

Promote women’s activity
  • FY2031
    Proportion of women in managerial positions of 20% or higher
Initiatives for Decarbonization

Conducting business with environmentally friendly activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and our environmental impact together with stakeholders

Targets for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
(Scope 1 + Scope 2)
  • FY2031 50% reduction (compared with FY2021)
  • FY2051 Carbon neutrality
Sound and Transparent Corporate Management

Maintaining sound ethical standards in all business activities through the enhancement of compliance, regulatory affairs management, information security, and corporate governance

  • Expand training in compliance
  • Construct a corporate governance system to accommodate group companies

Process to Identify Material Sustainability Tasks (Materiality)

We combined and mapped the information after identifying issues that are highly important for society and stakeholders as well as for the MEDIPAL Group, as shown in the chart.
After discussion on order of priority and appropriateness, we identified materiality for the MEDIPAL Group in six categories.

Process to Identify Material Sustainability Tasks (Materiality)

Step 1: Identify social issues We comprehensively listed 85 items of social issues that reflect industry trends and perspectives on the GRI guidelines, SASB, SDGs, and other long-term matters.
Step 2: Evaluate importance Questionnaires on the items of social issues identified in Step 1 were sent out to the CSR Committee members, outside directors, and managers, with instructions to evaluate the items from the perspective of the degree of importance to society and our stakeholders and the degree of importance to the MEDIPAL Group and to assign priorities.
Step 3: Create a draft of materiality Based on the evaluations in Step 2 and the opinions of outside directors, the CSR Committee discussed the appropriateness and order of priority of the items and then created a draft of materiality.
Step 4: Discussion and decision at the management level Management debated the draft produced by the CSR Committee before a decision on the materiality at the Board of Directors.

Materiality Management

The CSR Committee plays a central role in materiality management at the MEDIPAL Group, working in cooperation with relevant departments. We announced our sustainability policy and material sustainability tasks together with the release of the 2027 MEDIPAL Medium-Term Vision in October 2022. We then set targets (KPIs) for all materiality sustainability tasks and are regularly checking on progress made with these tasks. In the future, we will review the tasks as needed in line with social and business changes, and will also work to strengthen our initiatives by disclosing the status of progress and through dialogue with stakeholders.

Materiality Management